

The Comité Jacqueline Marval on France 3!

Camille Roux dit Buisson, Director of the Jacqueline Marval Committee, was a guest on the show Vous êtes formidableshosted by Jérémy Allébée (France 3 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) this Tuesday, March 11. She presented the Jacqueline Marval Committee and offered an introduction to the artist’s work.

The episode is available for replay on France Télévisions.


Jacqueline Marval at the Centre Pompidou !

We are honored to announce the exceptional loan of the painting L’Odalisque à la rose for the Suzanne Valadon exhibition at the Centre Pompidou (Paris), which will take place from January 15 to May 26, 2025.

This work, painted around 1908, embodies Jacqueline Marval’s spirit of freedom and her commitment to redefining the representation of the female body.

Through this work, Marval merges classical influences with an innovative approach. In a relaxed posture, the model holds a rose, perhaps symbolizing desire, while her body is rooted in a realistic vision. Marval breathes into this image of sensuality a touch of simplicity and truth, diverging from the rigid poses and embellishments often associated with academic nudes.

Marval’s Odalisque à la rose is, in fact, dedicated to Arsène Alexandre, art critic, with theinscription: “who alone knew how to speak of [Toulouse] Lautrec.” 
This dedication echoes the critic’s recognition of the importance of intimacy in the representations by the painter of brothels, whose art he praised for “capturing reality up close.” (1)

In Marval’s work, this intimacy is found both in the reverie of her model and in the details of her exposed body, imbuing the painting with a reflective dimension at its core.


Jacqueline Marval Lecture at the FAMM Museum (Mougins)

This Wednesday, December 11, the FAMM invites you to a new edition of L'Heure FAMM, a monthly lecture series dedicated to major figures in art history.

This month, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Jacqueline Marval, a boldly talented and resolutely avant-garde woman who left her mark on the artistic Paris of the Belle Époque – presented by Lucien Roux, Artistic and Scientific Director of the Jacqueline Marval Committee.


Jacqueline Marval takes New-York!

We are beyond happy to announce that Marval is currently exhibited in NYU’s Grey Gallery, in the Berthe Weill exhibition ! Two works are shown, including her 1900 self portrait Minerva.

This exhibition will then travel to Canada (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal) and Paris (Musée de l’Orangerie).


“Jacqueline Marval, Birth of a Woman Artist” now on YouTube

A film about the early career of Marval - how, at the dawn of the 20th century in Paris, as a self-taught artist, she participated in the artistic avant-garde alongside men like Matisse and Picasso, forging a deeply personal path following the tragedy of losing her child.

Discover the birth of an artist and the invention of a gaze, that of a woman in painting, from her redefinition of the female image through her self-portraits to her masterpiece “The Odalisques” (1903).


“Being a Woman Artist in the early 1900s” talk, in collaboration with Institut Français de Suède

As part of Women’s Rights Month, we had the pleasure of participating in the conference “Being a Woman Artist in the early 1900s, Paris”, during which Camille Roux dit Buisson (director, Comité Jacqueline Marval, Paris), conversed with Linda Hinners (sculpture curator, National Museum Stockholm). The discussion, moderated by Anna-Maria Bernitz (Swedish Institute), took place within the Marval exhibition at Millesgarden Museum. Why choose to become an artist? How to study, how to exhibit and establish oneself not only as a female artist, but as an artist? We attended to address these questions through the journeys of two artists, Jacqueline Marval and Camille Claudel.

Conference in collaboration with Institut Français de Suède. We would like to thank H.E the Ambassador of France in Sweden for his brilliant exhibition.

Jacqueline Marval Millesgarden

Jacqueline Marval Exhibition at the Millesgarden Museum (Stockholm)

We are delighted to announce the first international retrospective exhibition of Jacqueline Marval, "Jacqueline Marval, Fauvism, Feminism, Flamboyance," at the Millesgarden Museum in Stockholm, Sweden, from February 10 to May 19, 2024.

This retrospective, the first since 1987, provides visitors with a rare opportunity to dive into the work of this iconic XXth-century figure. Featuring around fifty paintings, as well as works on paper and exclusive archives, the exhibition narrates the artist's journey from her beginnings in 1895 to her death in 1932. It showcases historical pieces such as her nude self-portrait from 1900, "Odalisque with a Cheetah," which got her recognized from Ambroise Vollard and launched her career.

This exhibition, illustrating the artist's influence on her surroundings, traces her life and journey from her Parisian rebirth to the end of her life. It highlights the major themes of her work, including self-portraits, the reappropriation of her image, the female nude, odalisques, Biarritz, numerous bouquets, and addresses current themes seen through her works exhibited at the Petit Palais (Paris de la Modernité show) until April: war years and her designs for the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées.

Press kit

Jacqueline Marval une fauve au théâtre

Publication of the book “Jacqueline Marval, une fauve au Théâtre”

We are very happy to announce the publication of the book “Jacqueline Marval, une fauve au théâtre”, written by Martine Lacas and realized in collaboration with the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, which is mainly about the links between the artist and the institution and tells about Marval’s life and work.

Available at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and at the Petit Palais for the exhibition of the Paris de la Modernité in which four Marval paintings are exhibited. Out in bookshops from early 2024!

Press kit


Jacqueline Marval at the Petit Palais

We are thrilled to announce the participation of Jacqueline Marval to the exhibition “Le Paris de la Modernité” at the Petit Palais (Paris), from November 14th 2023 to April 14th 2024.
Both chronological and thematic, this exhibition holds its originality from the geographical scope it focuses on, the one of the Champs-Élysées. It also explores the influence of major historical events of the relevant period, such as WWI.

Four paintings by Jacqueline Marval will be exhibited. First, the portrait of the famous dancers Nijinsky and Karsavina, as well as "La Danse Bleue," a tribute to the movement reminiscing us of her friend Matisse. This is connected to her passion for the Ballets Russes and her involvement in decorating the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées.

On the other hand, "Jeune fille assise" and "Les Poupées patriotiques" evoke her connection to the First World War, expressed through her profound attachment to childhood. This perspective is notably critical of the conflict, emphasizing its manifestation as a failure of humanity.

Press kit


Jacqueline Marval at Madrid’s Thyssen-Bornemisza

We are thrilled to announce you the participation of Jacqueline Marval (1866 – 1932) to the Women Masters exhibition of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, from October 31, 2023, to February 4 2024. Her masterpiece Les Odalisques (1902 – 1903) will be shown as well as her 1897 Autoportrait, first known self-representation of the artists by herself. Women Masters is the first major exhibition to reflect the process of feminist rethinking on which the Museo Thyssen has been engaged over the past few years. It benefits from the collaboration of the City of Madrid and is sponsored by Carolina Herrera.

Press kit


©Kate French

The Comité welcomes the Cercle des Femmes Mécènes du Musée d’Orsay

We had the pleasure of receiving the Cercle des Femmes Mécènes du Musée d’Orsay at the beginning of April, for a private tour and a Terre Fauve wine degustation.


Paris Face Caché

Usually closed to the public, the Comité Jacqueline Marval opened its door the time of a weekend with visits organised with Paris Face Cachée.
Thanks to Lauranne Corneau for giving great presentations of Jacqueline Marval.


©Lucien Roux

Reopening of the Comité Jacqueline Marval!

The whole team of the Comité Jacqueline Marval is thrilled to announce our reopening from January 2023, right next to the Trocadéro in Paris.       
After the Comité Jacqueline Marval was born in 2020, two years with many different events such as exhibitions (Pionnières at the Musée du Luxembourg, Muses de Montparnasse at the Musée Pouchkine) as well as podcast episodes and TV shows dedicated to her rediscovery (Femmes d’art, Art au Féminin, France 4...), we are glad to make accessible again our collection of about a hundred pieces as well as an archives database, constantly growing and evolving.


Podcast (French Radio):
How to re-write Art History in more inclusive approach?

How do women artists, how does an artist such as Jacqueline Marval could end up forgotten after such amazing careers? Tewfik Hakem discusses with Camille Morineau (AWARE, curator of the Pionnières exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg), Alix Paré, art historian, Hélène Marquié, arts and gender studies teacher at Paris 8 university) and Oriane Jeancourt, chief editor, magazine Transfuge.

Jacqueline MARVAL Pionnières

Jacqueline Marval in the Parisian metro

For International Women’s Day, a selection of works currently showed at the Pionnières exhibition (Musée du Luxembourg) were turned into giant posters, at the Gaité - Joséphine Baker stop. If they were supposed to stay on until March 15th, Marval’s Baigneuse au Maillot Noir stayed on until the 24th!


Jacqueline Marval on French National TV

On March 8th, International Women’s rights day, French National TV aired a program about Jacqueline Marval, where Camille Roux dit Buisson, director of the Committee explained Marval’s story.
Documentary by Noemie Roussel.


Jacqueline Marval at the Musée du Luxembourg (Paris)

Discover the Pionnières exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris, with two works of Jacqueline Marval:
L’Étrange Femme (1920) and Baigneuse au maillot noir (1923).

This exhibition invites us to reinstate them in this changing history of art, from Fauvism to abstraction via Cubism, Dada and Surrealism, but also in the worlds of architecture, dance, design, literature and fashion, as well as scientific discovery. Their visual and conceptual explorations attest to their audacity and courage in the face of established conventions that confined women within certain professions and stereotypes.

Les Promesses

Jacqueline Marval in Les Promesses (2021) a Thomas Kruithof movie with Isabelle Huppert & Reda Kateb

Will you spot the 4 Jacqueline Marval paintings hidden in Kruithof’s last movie? Here’s a hint:
They are Biarritz (1923), Jardin de ma Voisine (1923), Un Bouquet pour la Victoire (1916) et Les Coquettes (1903).

Femmes d'Art

[in French] Femmes d’Art podcast

We had the pleasure of starting year 2022 in the best possible way; by hosting the first Femmes d’Art afterwork of the year at the Comité Jacqueline Marval.
At this occasion, Marie-Stéphanie Servos, founder of the media that aims to promote female artists and women in the art world, interviewed Camille Roux dit Buisson, director of the Comité Jacqueline Marval.


Camille Roux dit Buisson’s talk at the Pushkin Museum (Moscow, RU)

October 3rd was the last day of the "Muses de Montparnasse" exhibition at the PushkinMuseum (Moscow, RU), where 3 of Marval's paintings were exhibited ; Les Coquettes(1903), Les Trois Grâces (1905) and La Danseuse, study for the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (circa 1910).
Jacqueline Marval was particularly promoted since her painting Les Coquettes was chosen to be the official poster of the show as well as the catalog cover.

To close the show, our Director Camille Roux dit Buisson was invited by the PushkinMuseum to give a talk about Jacqueline Marval.

To watch the talk, click on the video on the left and go to the 6th minute.


The Comité Jacqueline Marval welcomes Camille Leherpeur - from October 14 to 25th 2021

How to converse with Jacqueline Marval (1866-1932) when you were born in 1990? To go and meet with her, Camille Leherpeur offers an aesthetic experience: take her as a model, follow in her footsteps, experience her artistic journey to ply her universe. To grasp Jacqueline Marval’s identity, Camille Leherpeur has roamed the time when her paintings came to life.
Camille Leherpeur took up the formats of three still lives: Bouquet sombre (116 x 90cm), Fleurs et statuette (99 x 72cm) and Fleurs et coffret (73 x 60cm). Addressing the surface to be filled with colours and shapes. Observing the subject. Offering a variation.

MODÈLE, from October 14th to 25th 2021. Curator: Camille Boisaubert.


Jacqueline Marval at the Pushkin Museum (Moscow, Russia)

We are very happy to announce the participation of Jacqueline Marval to the exhibition Muses de Montparnasse at the Pushkin Museum, from July 13th to October 3rd 2021.
Three of the Comité Jacqueline Marval’s paintings will be showcased, including the one from the show’s poster.


Art au Féminin podcast

French podcast Art au Féminin invited us to tell the story of Jacqueline Marval and of the Committee - episode in French.


Jacqueline Marval by Backstage FCA

Interview and presentation of the Comité Jacqueline Marval with Olesya Okuneva and Camille Roux dit Buisson, for Backstage FCA (in English).


Interview with Dima Easy Art

Interview and presentation (in Russian) of Jacqueline Marval by Camille Roux Dit Buisson, director of th Comité Jacqueline Marval, with @dima.easyart.
Наше видео с Dima Easy Art уже онлайн! Перейдите по ссылке в описании нашего профиля, чтобы узнать еще больше о Жаклин Марваль.


La Vie Créative Podcast

For American podcast La Vie Creative, Camille Roux dit Buisson shared her experience opening the Comité Jacqueline Marval in Paris.


Valadon et ses Contemporaines exhibition

At the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Limoges, then at Brou’s Royal Monastery, this exhibition pays tribute to lots of different women artists. A painting by Jacqueline Marval is showcased.
At Brou’s Royal Monastery until June 27th 2021.


Live with Antoine Vitek of Culturez-Vous

Click below to see the IGTV of Culturez-Vous’ live visit at the Comité Jacqueline Marval, by Camille Roux dit Buisson:

Julie Gayet François Hollande Comité Jacqueline Marval Raphael Roux dit Buisson Camille Roux dit Buisson

Former President François Hollande and Julie Gayet visit the Comité

We were thrilled and honoured to have Julie Gayet and François Hollande visiting us last February 2021, and to be able to share with them our passion for Jacqueline Marval.


Opening of the Comité Jacqueline Marval

We are very happy to announce the official opening of the Comité Jacqueline Marval (December 2020).
The Committee aims to allow the re-discovery of Jacqueline Marval’s work, from a contemporary viewpoint, in a world that did not expect her, and in which she took a prominent role.